Our SEP Adventures: Conquering The Troll

Oslo Harbour

All I can say, that this Norway trip is the MOST EPIC adventure we have ever done! First of all, we decided to hop over to Norway because we found a return flight for 20 pounds. Like seriously, two flights for SGD 40?! Hahaha, and there we go, starting to plan our first trip to the Scandinavian country.

Sunday in Odda

Planning wasn’t easy cause Norway is famous for being ridiculously expensive and most of the good (tourist) sights are in Bergen. A return flight from Oslo would be a challenge. However, looking at the Aalto kids and Haoqing’s insta hatched a really cool idea – let’s hike Trolltunga! This famous hike, literally named Troll’s Tongue, is one of the top 3 hikes in Norway and it is reachable by Oslo… through a 6 hour bus ride… So it didn’t seem so feasible after all, but no, we decided to turn this LONG BUS journey into our accomodation for the night. In order words, to and fro overnight bus rides replaced 2 nights of accom and we only need to search for one night in Odda, the nearby town. And we secured the bus rides😂

A full moon in Odda

The next thing is, Odda to Trolltunga would take a good 25 mins by car ride and we did not want to rent a car just to drive up to Skjeggedal carpark. So our next option would be to cab. Luckily while looking for accomodation, Limxin came across a really impressive Airbnb host. His name is Shakir and he is a Norwegian student. This guy drove his guests to and fro Odda to the starting point of the hike, regardless of what time they start/end. We were sooooo in luck, and she went to contact the host immediately – and he said YES! Omg thats accom and transport settled!

Next would be the hike, how the heck would two newbies be able to tahan a 11+ hours hike? And the period is the no hiking season too.. Well, we guess we just have to try it!

Hippie Couple in Oslo

And so we are off to Oslo on Friday. Woke up at 3am, transferred 3 buses and 1 flight  to reach Oslo at noon! Shag is for real but when we stepped foot onto Oslo, we did not feel the fatigue at all. Oh but we did feel the the temperature drop, it was about 2 degrees outside😅 Oslo is a very developed city and it felt like CBD everywhere. There are so many hotels and landmarks around and the big 4 accounting firms have a super legit building one beside another. The view was incredible. Sadly, Oslo is just a city that is heavily invested onto by the Norwegian government and it is not a good representative of Norway. What we have seen in Oslo are probably built up by the government to attract investors and tourists to Norway in an attempt to beef up its tourism hub. In fact, we do see alot of ongoing constructions just near to the Oslo Opera House and the street beside it; who knows what is Oslo gonna be like in 5 years?


Oslo opera House

Besides the CBD like area, we did walk up the river and visited the waterfall in the centre of the city (supposedly a massive sight). Turned out quite disappointing because its rather small in size and there are constructions nearby *yawns* On the other hand, we did chance upon a pretty ARTSY street with random grafitti, sculptures and a glass chandelier, yep all outdoors. Pretty random but we took some STEP photos there😁

Salmon and Herring Platter, 38 SGD!!!

Actually there is a trick to it, dont ever order set meals in fast good restaurants. A cheeseburger costs 20 NOK and why would one pay an additional 60 NOK for fries and drink? Buy the ALA CARTE! Norwegians can’t price for nuts! For one of the meals, we bought a snoothie, a cheeseburger and cheesy chilli pops for only 60 NOK. If you are looking for an even cheaper option, consider buying soup packets from REMA 1000 or KIWI. We got Bergen Fish Soup for 7 NOK. It was filling for two people if you eat it with bread! One thing to note is that the supermarket options in Norway are very limited compared to UK! So don’t expect to find ready to make sandwiches; you probably have to buy ham, cheese and bread to wrap hahaha! And they are not cheap when you sum them together..


Okay enough about yaking about the price of Oslo. We soon took the coach over to Odda and it was about 5.45am when we reached Odda. Waited in the bus station till 7 for the host (it was already really good that he is willing to pick us up at wee hour). He then drove us to the starting point and offered to bring our non hiking bags to his accom first. SO MUCH THANKS! Because of his kindness, we could start the hike at 7.50ish?

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Yep, now to the amazing hike! I would split the 11km hike into 5 parts:

1) The steep ascend up till 700m mark. Very tiring if you have not hiked before because it requires alot of ascending endurance to climb all the steps and not trip. Going down is the worst because it seems never ending and you just have to be wary thoroughout😅 Lucky for us, the terrain was dry cause it has not rained for a week or else it would turn into a muddy pool throughout!

2) The deep U shaped valley. Our first encounter with a relatively flatter terrain and super awesome view of green mountains rather than snowcapped. There are also some sparse houses scattered along the path. Xinyi slipped a little here cause the rocks can seem normal but they are icy! The temperature is 0 degrees~

3) The valley of the winds and safety hut 1! Did I mention that this place is so windy that they can suck out all the moisture of you within minutes? Proper gear has to be worn here and even with them, the wind will make it very hard to progress forward due to air resistance. Going down was okay cause the wind subsided somehow! There is also a safety hut for people to hide from the wind, get some warmth and pherhaps have a little break. We took a break here when we ascended and also when we descended! A lot of people would camp here or jump into the lakes during summer. We did not because the lakes are frozen😪😪

4) Never ending hills.. this is the easiest but longest part. Going up and down and around the various hills help to gain some morale because we got to see picturesque views of the nature! There is also a safety hut at the 9km mark for people who needed the emergency once again!

5) ICY PATHS. Most hated stage because every few steps we would encounter ice paths and we needed to go around them. Slipped a few times here and there too! Oh and the retarded me wanted to try some fresh lake water but i trodded on thin ice, and…. Bingo, I felt through it😅 xinyi was so worried for me, but it is okay cause my pants and jacket are waterproof but I needed to change my socks! Sorry for being burden😅

And finally after 5.5 hours of walk, we FOUND THE ULTIMATE VIEW of trolltunga! There weren’t alot of people compared to summer and most people would practice photo etique by not standing in the frame of others. Unfortunately, ours had some idiot whon did not abided and we were kindergarten!
It was also freezing cold up there cause of the wind being strong enough to kick up some minor sandstorm from the cliff! And so this concludes our awesome hiking experience!

Just wanted to share 3 more learning points for newbie hikers like us:

1) Always bring water bottle, best if it is filled. But dont worry if they are not fully filled because most hikes do have places that sell water👍🏼

2) Hike with someone of common interest, fitness level and would motivate each other along the hike. If you are thinking of hiking alone, I would advice you pick an easy trail! Having a partner would help to make the hike so much more present:)

3) Pack compact food! Things like banana, bread, skyflakes, cereal bars, rice and mushroom soup are welcomed! During the breaks, do fill up your hunger for a bit but it should not delay the school work!

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Last day touring in Norway was spent in Odda. Sadly it was a Sunday and everything else is closed:/ no shopping and fortunately, our host saved our Sunday by offering to drive us down to Latefossen, the waterfall we initially planned on going via cycling. It seemed that the waterfall was not so powerful cause it had not rained for a week or so. However, it still looked super majestic with two streams of jet pouring down. We saw a professional photographer camping at a spot below the bridge and we decided to risk our lives (okay not really) and follow suit. On the journey down, my lens cap loosened and fell into the river!!! Thank goodness the host helped me to retrieve it back for me. OMG, we owed the host too much! Taken some cool waterfall shot before we went back to the accommodation.

In the afternoon, we went to the abandoned factory opposite the accommodation. Odda used to be a bustling town exporting goods to the municipality but ever since the town petitioned for the industrial areas to be closed down in 1999, the town began to decline into a resting ground for retired folks to stay. Now, it became really quiet. When we went to the abandoned factory, we noticed that the town did not cleared up the rubble even after so many years and there are so many buildings that are reused as offices, even when the windows have been smashed (by protesters, we assume). There seem to be a lot of history in Odda that only the people who lived there before 1999 would be familiar with!

With our star host, Shakir

And lastly, we would want to thank our kind host Shakir for hosting us really really well. Shakir is a University student from Somalia and he was a refugee from war. Coming with almost nothing, he told us that he needed to move from camps to camps in Norway, hoping to get positive reviews from the Norwegians so he could be given a permanent housing and citizenship. He came a really long way and it is very heartening to hear that he is returning the favour by helping travellers coming into Odda!

And so, here’s the end of this super massive post about Norway. The key takeaway for this trip would be to be really flexible with plans, but you have to still plan for it. No plans may be the best plans, but that do not always work out for everyone! Looking forward for our next trip, CHOCO HEAVEN!


Our SEP Adventures: Dover Cliffs 🇬🇧

Dover, the rainbow shining through

Just a pretty short post to add on to our anniversary extension. Yes, we decided that we would want to see the white cliffs in Dover and we decided to make a spontaneous trip down to Dover Priory on Monday:)

WEnter a caption

What’s the big deal about these white cliffs anyway? The White Cliffs of Dover acts as an important landmark in war invaded period as it faces the narrowest part of the English Channel that warships and planes would cross. They therefore act as the first and last sight of England, and obviously they are damn chio la, covered in soft, white chalk! These cliffs glow radiantly under varying amount of sunlight and they have different shades at different period of the day! They are also protected by the National Trust while they are eroded gradually every year (which means, it may be gone in the future) Lastly, they are located in Southeast England and of course we wanted to travel down South to see how the place is like as well!

Dover Castle in the background

And so we rendevous in the afternoon at the station and we walked through the town for about 40 minutes before reaching the cliff face! The town Dover is pretty quiet and houses are definitely more sparse than in London. They look pretty traditional English as well. And they also hosted the famous Dover Castle, which Xin and I skipped cause we thought we didint have enough time and we had enough of castles. The two photos above managed to capture the castle located on Dover Hills too:)

Dover Sea Port

Prior reaching the cliffs, we saw the Dover Harbour, which was filled with busy cargo ships and a lighthouse. The whole harbour actually felt really complex and modern and as we started hiked on the cliffs parallel to it, we could hear announcements made through a PA system. The whole harbour kind of reminded me of Harbourfront in Singapore, just that its far smaller than it!

As we hiked up the cliffs, its really fasinating to see that they are protected with netting to minimise erosion threats. This shows that the UK government are really protecting this national treasure! We then discovered and walked through an unmanned gate. The view just gets better and better😄 By the time we reached the first 30 mins or so of the walk, we began to see the full drop of the cliff and being daredevils(for a photograph), we decided to sit near the cliff edge hahaha! Dont worry, its pretty safe and we made sure we are completely anchored to the sturdy ground before we sat down!

Looking down is quite terrifying

And yep, the walk supposedly continued on further but we had to rush back by a train at 6.30pm and we decided to head back, buying fish n chips(the southern cod fish is damn good, and cheaper too) and parted subsequently.

Goodby my love:(

Yep, thats the end of this relatively shorter post, hope you enjoyed it! See you next time!

Our SEP Adventures: Anniversary 🇬🇧

Ready and set for anniversary plans
The long awaited day! Our second anniversary:) we are very lucky to be able to spend it overseas this year and the magical part, we are both based in UK so its easy to travel out! So, we decided to make it even more meanigful by travelling out of England… We went down to Wales!

Cardiff, town of Wales

What’s there at Wales, you may ask. Well, for one theres the infamous Brecon Beacons, which house some of the most magnificent peaks in UK. We went to the Welchish border that separates Wales and England and we hiked up Offa’s Dyke Path(amazingly dug to keep out Welchish people from England). While the grasses look really green and great to nap on, please be aware that it contains natural fertilisers left by farm animals (sheep and horses) everywehere🌚 We were literally watching every step we took HAHA!

Did we lose our way, but still acting step!

This tree is dying cause its attacked by a Stangler’s fig!

There isn’t a proper route so we just tried to navigate our way up by using our gut feelings in alot of times! The view up there is amazing and we saw a view that separates England counties and the Welschish landscapes. Its really cool even though Xinyi said she hiked better views before hahaha! The route down was insane cause we just walked the off beaten path and basically its the trail a lamb took to go up for a graze hahaha! We bashed through vegetations, stepped on mud ans dung probably, chase sheep down, carefully avoided sheep carcass and climbed over barbed wire fences😱😱 and that tore part of my trousers😞 But overall the whole hike was fun and we saw a lot of wildlife(actually farm hahaha)!

Hello Horsey! So cute, it doesn’t run away from us humans!

Horse at the Inn! We could horse ride but we didn’t!

Overseeing 5-6 counties!

The people in Wales are extremely nice too. What we saw are a bunch of countryside folks that are really laidback and easygoing. We stayed in an inn in Llanthony for 2 nights and the owner actually gave us a 50% discount on the second night! The Bed and Breakfast includes a nice English breakfast every morning as well so it was a pretty decent deal! And the best of all, there was an event on the second night and it was really cosy to see the whole village partying with the villagers gathering at the pub to talk and groove to the music. And omg xin and I were about to take some selfie and a lady offered to help us take a photo. Turns out that she was some BBC personality and we went to then take a photo with her🤓 then, we went to join in the locals to dance and groove along to the music as well heh, it was SO MUCH FUN!

Traditional English Breakfast
Of course the trip is not perfectly fine. We actually wanted to drive and even booked a car to do so. However, the forgetful me forgot the driving license and the UK laws are extremely strict about seeing a physical license if we are international drivers. And so, we needed to cancel the booking and ubered up instead. I know Xinyi actually had made plans to go up to Breacon and Snowdonia if we had a car but the plans have to change, so sorry about it dear:/ However, because we did not have a car, we got to experience what is it like to have a chill and no rush anniversary too:)

Llanthony Priory, sadly skies isn’t clear for stars!

Cardiff City Hall

The other thing was the clouds in the skies throughout the time we stayed. We always wanted to stargaze and we chose such an ulu place to come and see them but we were disappointed by the covered skies. Sighs, but at least we got to enjoy the music from the band:)

Anniversary Lunch!

And now, back to the most important part.. the Anniversary:) the whole magic comes from spending time with Xinyi and us surprising each other with small events here and there. I really missed her while I was in London and so many times, I just sang ‘On My Own’ to myself hahaha! The surprises really work wonderfully and we had candles on the bed(some people said its cheesy but I love it!), postcard, scrap book, ‘Just Married’ deco and a film dedicated to Xin Yi! So many things we exchanged and it shows how importnant we are to each other! Heres to many years and more to come:)))


My SEP Adventure: Settling down 🇬🇧

Back to London, I still cannot believe that time has passed so fast. Unknowingly, 1 month has flew by with the blink of an eye. That I have covered 5 countries, 16 towns/cities with Xinyi! Now that 19 countries, 60 cities in 6 month doesn’t seem so hard anymore hahaha (as inspired by one of the girls who gave the FOE SEP talk last year). I will post a separate post about travel tips and I hope I can sticky it so it can benefit students who want to travel around smart!

Yep, so it seems that we have come down to the very last part before school starts. Settling in to the new accommodation, culture and environment. I would say that putting up with friends is a bold decision and most students only arrive on the day where they can move into hall! I put up in Ryan’s room at Queen’s Gate and I am very thankful that he helped to make all the additional arrangement for me! While staying in the accomodation, I could walk to Imperial within 5 minutes and settle my stuffs and walk 15 minutes for my free haircut! Speaking of the haircut, it is so awesome because it is free and your hairstyle will turn out fine! The only downside to it is that you are volunteered as a model for the trainees to practice and they will take a little longer to cut(got mine done in about 2 hours). Staying in a cosy apartment here at Queen’s Gate is welcomed but somehow I still felt unsettled? Cause I know that it is not permanent. A little thank you to Rachel, Bejamin and the others for talking to me from time to time, keeping me kind of company and not missing home so much. I was very happy to share my travelling experiences with others and it makes me want to travel even more:) 

Other than that, I was actually quite looking forward to moving in to hostel and settling down! So on moving day, even though I was lugging 40kg of luggage up and down flights of stairs, i felt really excited to see my new place!

Reaching Woodward, I was welcomed by the team of seniors and wardens and the check in process was really smooth since most of the people only check in on the Saturday(I checked in on Thursday). And so the verdict of the room… ITS FANTASTIC HAHAHA! The room may seem smaller than my room in SG and similar (or smaller) in size to NUS ones, but its really cozy and the toilet is freaking atas hahaha! It is really comfortable to own my own toilet:) And after staying in so many accomodations in London and Europe, I think the Woodward room is amazing, given the cheap weekly rent too! 😁 

Spent the next 2 days(most shag) unpacking, decorating the room and buyimg groceries. Now my room feels really cosy and settled hahaha! Would invite people to come over if they want to sleepover😁

Imperial halls seems to have a lot of hall budget and they do spend alot on events(pizza events, boat parties, mingle) . I went to some of these events for the experience and I would say that they are not my kind of thing! While the idea of getting to know people and the ‘try once while young’ kind of mentality is there, but such parties usually involve meaningless conversations that last less than 10 sentences and are superficial in level. Oh well, will try and avoid these events!

And it is a twist of fate to have met this German with Vietnamese family background! Was just walking along from tube and I saw this guy taking photo of the building while he’s still struggling with his bags. I thought that “hey this must have been a student of woodward” and I went to talk to him! He is also an exchange student and he will be reading Chemistry in Imperial for a year! We also realise out we were event in the same block and And he has a girlfriend in Bavaria as well. Its really comforting that he does feel comfortable hanging out with me and we did plenty of things together:) 

So now moving on to Imperial College, I will write them in the next post when I have settle down in school as well!

PreSEP: Birmingham, partings and Salisbury Solo Trip 🇬🇧


With a heavy heart, we arrived at our final destination before we would officially say goodbye to each other as we take on our individual path for our own exchange.
This time, we are heading over to Xinyi’s university and to be honest, I am really dreading this stretch as much as I am excited for her to start her new journey. Its easy to say “Oh, I should be happy for her since shes really excited” but to feign that I am not sadden by the fact that our time seeing each other is numbered, I simply cannot do that. Naturally, the mood to travel around Birmingham isn’t strong and I just stayed in the city centre when I wasn’t with Xinyi.

Since I did not want to explore the city much, I would focus on what I have seen at the city centre and the university. The Central Birmingham is a paradise for shopping addicts and market hoppers. They have like everything, from Zara, H&M, Primark to bullring markets that actually sells a box of ready to cook bacons(still fresh) for £1. *Do watch out for the expiry date for such items because they are usually about to expire/ past the expiry date. Even so, it was a magical steal and we simply took the time to get what we needed for dinner. And Primark has the cheapest bedsheet and pillowcases you can get omg. When adelyn said you can get them for SGD$10, she is definitely right! Besides those shops, there are also many food stores like Burger King, Pizza Hut and Supermarkets like a gigantic Tesco nearby. In other words, city centre is a place you have to go in Birmingham. Well, all the trains stop there anyway hahaha!

Other than that, Birmingham is a subcity, much quieter than the biggest city of UK (London) despite being the second largest city. You can walk around when it rains with nothing on the streets except fallen leaves and occasional vehicles driving past. And travelling around is expensive unless you walk(40 mins walk to BMH uni), so expect yourself to walk alot if you are a student haha! 
I stayed in a hostel called Birmingham Central Backpackers Hostel and other than being really cheap, its very cosy as well! There is a lounge on the ground floor that has multiple charging ports, free drinks and TV for guests to rest and mingle with the other guests. They even show movie in the night, wow! I do like the place a lot but I only stayed 1/4 of the nights cause I wanted to spend more time with Xinyi haha. Would otherwise recommend it to people who are going to BMH for a stay!

Good backpacker hostel!

Moving on to Xinyi’s school, I kind of like it cause it feels very cosy. The accommodation was really comfortable, ensuite single and 6 flatmates sharing a communal panoramic kitchen. Pretty neat huh, its relieving seeing how Xinyi can get along well with her flatmates and even making friends with the other university mates. Loving the fact that Xinyi is following what she has set herself on before exchange: to make new friends and experience school life abroad!

Iconic red clock hall

Her accomodation is not the nearest to school and is quite noisy in the night as its near the party area of the school, but I would say that the facilities are very new and the friendly roommates make up for everything else. Happy that she is in good hands:)

Our first partying exp in UK

On Wednesday, I went to her school with her and as she went to settle her modules stuff, I went to walk around the school. The highlight is the clock tower and yea I am quite obsessed with it. Went around shooting it with different angles and accidentally chanced upon a few hidden gems for photography. Check out my 500px will ya:)

Cool roof at block 17!

The Old Gym

I also took this time to Skype closer friends and its really good to catch up with them after one month:) Good to hear that everyone is busy with life but well and healthy😁

And finally it comes down to our day of parting, Thursday. As we walked towards New Street station heavily, the idea of separating into our individual school lives solemnly grew. A last cuddle with her and we agreed to turn back at the same time and walk away from each other. But as I cross the gantry, I saw this pig gazing at me from a corner, hahaha what a 傻瓜! I can’t wait to see her again for our anniversary:)


Often Bath is preferred over a Stonehenge destination, but Salisbury has her own beauty

After leaving Birmingham, I began my solo adventure to Salisbury. Where is this town? It’s in Wiltshire, West of London and it is near to the ole famous Stonehenge. Expecting the town to be rather touristy like Rothenburg or Füssen, I did not really look forward much to the town life. Turned out, I am wrong again. This place is the kind of town we have always wanted to visit:

1. It doesn’t have too many tourists, yay to locals everywhere

2. It brews a town of life, has school and adults work on weekdays, families play on weekends

3. Everyone lives casually like they are retiring in it

4. About 20% own dogs

5. Everywhere in the town is walkable

6. There is something to see in the town, Salisbury Cathedral

7. It’s not too ulu and has Tesco and Saintsbury, that closes at Midnight (WOOHOO)

8. There is a weekend market!!!

Weekend farmer’s mart

And so, reaching the accom, I am greeted by Vicki and her two dogs (Pumpkin and Mathilda). Vicki is very nice to give me an overview of the town and introduced me some walking paths to the cathedral and Old Sarum. She even added that I could use her kitchen and amenities!

So after a short rest, I began to walk the Town Path as suggested by Vicki. The Town Path is the best place in Salisbury for a sunset view as it faces West and on the East of the path, you can see the cathedral bathing in the evening light. The view is pretty decent, made even better by the gloomy skies, like the cathedral glows in contrast to the dark clouds! Walked to the Old Mill, turned back and rushed to the Cathedral for a nice sun setting shots. On my way back, I saw a few groups of high school students playing soccer, goofing around. I thought why are they not going home yet and I realised they were waiting for the dismissal ceremony in their school, which was beside the cathedral haha! In fact the cathedral was not used for tourist purposes only, people do stream in to the cathedral to pray in the evenings! Its quite spectacular to see the cathedral view transit from evening to night!

Reaching back to the accom, I cooked Carbonara so yay to 1.50 pounds meal😁

Visited Mr Stonehenge on Day 2 and kinda expected it to be very touristy, with groups of Chinese tourists flocking the visitors centre in tens. Walking into the museum makes me understand more about the attraction, that it is built based on the alignment of the sun midsummer and midwinter. And that it is the predecessor of burial grounds! Interesting huh.

Walking out, I decided not to follow the bus into the henge, and instead I took the walker’s path and walked towards the attraction. While walking towards the road, I found an access gate that brought me into a grassy patch of green and unconventional route. And this route also made me stepped on cow dung 😞😞 however it was fun trying the less taken route because it is exciting and less touristy too:) Enroute, I actually walked past some circular fields, which are actually burial grounds that were inspired by the henge. And best of all, I came across a field of cows! They are so adorable and lazy and gluttony. I tried and approach one to take a photo but it turned away from me and went to pee instead🌚 Such manners, wonder who taught it that way.

Otherwise back to the stonehenge, its actually quite amazing when I reached it. Despite being a pile of stones, the stones look really beautiful when different amount of light are shone on it. It illuminates a different feel! And to preserve it, there are some barriers that prevent tourists from touching the stones. Means less tourists in your stonehenge only photo HAHA! For people who wants to go to the Stonehenge, I would recommend you to sign up at Stonehengetours.com and choose the package that says bus+Stonehenge+Old Sarum and time your journey wisely. The bus ticket is available for use all day!

On my way back, I went to try the Harbour Fish and Chips recommended by Vicki. It tasted FANTASTIC! Much better and bigger than Poppies in London and it cost less! Hahaha! Good deal, have to reccomend! It does reminds me of Fish and Co creamy cheesy texture and yet it is Cod fillet:) and the fries are naturally cut! Fresh!

Going on to Day 3, a Saturday, I went to the town centre where the Salisbury market. Compared to the other markets we have seen in London and Berlin, I would say it is much smaller, selling pretty normal stuffs. But at the same time, it’s very homely. A lot of townfolks visit the market over the Saturday and they would bring their family and dogs. In order words, the town comes alive on Saturday:) its quite therapeutic walking down the streets on a Saturday and seeing people laughing and chilling makes the day better:)

Tried the Salisbury Pork Roll which is legitly cool cause they were roasting a hog and they cut it on the spot for me! In addition to the tender meat, they top it off with pork sauce, apple sauce and a generous slice of roasted pork skin!!! The whole burger costed only £4.50 and is easily the best burger I have tasted so far:)

After lunch, I went over to Old Sarum via a route that Vicki suggested. Its the path she walked her dog occasionally, and I got to see many dogs and owners playing along the way:) i also walked past farms of sheep and horses that reminded me that I am in a countryside! Reaching Old Sarum actually required abit of uphill walking and you will get to see a Panoramic view of the town! Its actually quite beautiful with the skies and clouds haha!

The Old Sarum castle is just ruins so it may be quite boring for tourists. But its a photographer’s paradise if you like landscape shots and if there’s a good sky. I managed to capture a tail of the rainbow before it fades away:)

And so this marks the end of my solo trip to Salisbury. Heading over to London tomorrow and checking into accom on Thursday. In the meantime, there are some administrative to settle in school and I am gonna cut my hair for free. Can’t wait to settle down and plan my next trip though:) Excited!!

Our PreSEP Adventures: London Round 2 🇬🇧

Finally back home! Or rather, home for the year! The comfort of being able to reach the main luggage and convenience of using three pin ports rather than 2 round ports are extremely welcomed, except that London is being branded as one of the most expensive city in the world!

Cause it’s Autumn

As we arrived sheepishly at Stansted Airport at 6.50am London time, we were required to take an airport bus down to waterloo, and the expected duration would be an hour. Turned out it became 2 hours. Because of the London jam. Mind you, we haven’t experienced much jam in this trip cause we have mainly been taking public transport(metros,trains) or walking on foot. Thus, we were forced to sleep on the bus(the ride was comfortable but jerky) rather than the accom bed😢😢

After alighting, we went for breakfast at Pret A Manger, the famous chain of cafe in London. It’s practically everywhere, and it was the best warm breakfast we have had so far in this trip hahaha! Precisely cause it’s warm and they had eggs😍 On our walk back, we saw King’s College and LSE. Sadly to say, I did not realise it was LSE until I saw the tag hahaha; it looked pretty normal and unmagical:/

Only managed to reach accom and unpack at 12 and we nuaed abit before we headed over to Twinings speciality tea museum and shop at Strand. To those who think that it is an impressive heritage museum, you might be disappointed because it’s nothing like that. It’s purely a shop that has a wide variety of tea leaves that you can smell or even sample at a counter. However, the teas are amazingly cheap for Twinings (the UK Tea Brand, not to be confused with Singapore’s TWG), and a box of fruit tea can be as cheap as £1.70. If you are into tea making, they even have a tea brewing team that creates new flavours and record them down. They can then pass the card to customers who are keen to brew tea that is not just made from Tea Bag + Water😁 There is also a high class tea master session where a professional tea maker would come down every week to make tea for the participants (£50) Super bo hua can hahaha! Dont fall for these tourist traps!

Twinnings Museum, no it’s just a speciality shop! Don’t come with high hopes. But free drinks:P

After Twinings, we went over to chill at Caffé Nerro and we would recommend the Chai Latte if you like Chai haha! That was a really good buy and the place had a good ambience that we enjoyed!

At Monmouth Cafe

Subsequently navigation to Misato led us to Leicester Square. There was a huge ass crowd and being tourists, we decided to check them out. Holy freak, there was a movie premiere for some biography of Beatles and the BEATLES were there to grace the event as VIP😱😱😱 Couldn’t see them close enough but we were indeed quite taken aback at the coincidence haha! Michelle even said Benedict Cumberbatch and Emma Watson would come here as well on their premiere and I am so gonna drop by if they do! Honestly don’t mind not seeing them, as long as I can breathe the same air as them😂😂😂 SIAO LIAO

Misato WAS awesome as usual and I ordered Beef Udon cause I craved soup hahaha! Xinyi ordered Mackerel Rice Set! I love this place cause they don’t differ much between their eat in and take away menu! And guess where did we go after a good dinner? Well it was 中秋节, and we decided to go mooncake hunting! We went to this hotel recommended by Buzzfeed and bought a mini mooncake for £3(felt a bit scammed tbh, but its all festive) brought it home and celebrated with Michelle:)

Kind MLIM!

Michelle also helped us to book Skygarden tour, which allowed us to go to the top of a building to see the panoramic view of London! The view is indeed amazing and because it’s a reservation system, there weren’t too much tourists around. Sadly, it rained and we could not enjoy a decent view with clouds and skies:/ London looked really gloomy when it isn’t sunny!

After the skygarden we walked over to meet Michelle at Poppies Fish and Chips. Super excited for it because it’s the first time I am gonna eat Fish and Chips in London:) We dined in thinking that it was cold outside (raining and freezing), but we did not realise that the dine-in menu was so much more expensive than if we were to take away. It costed £4 extra for the fish and chips😱 But undeniably, the portion was very big and worthed the money if you really love fish and chips!

Take away, don’t eat in!

We then went market hopping after the full meal and we realised that we should have eaten at the market instead where there were more varieties to choose from haha! BTW, market hopping meant 3 markets and we went to Spitalfields Market, Borough Market and Southbank Market! Each of them have their own charms of food and I honestly like Borough the best even though we did not order any food? It’s the natural variety and it felt like a weekend farmers mart that we saw in Markethalle, Berlin! The Duck Confit burger recommended by Michelle at Southbank Mart was super good by the way. A highly recommended burger to try out!

Best Duck Confit Burger, maybe cause it’s my only one too

During our hops, we chanced by superb views of the city when the rain stopped, allowing us to see London when it has clear skies and when it is gloomy. Oh yes, London looks amazing when it is sunny and clear. The river looks less polluted, the roads seems more welcoming and the skies are blue hahaha! Not to mention that it is much warmer when there is the sun(30 degrees versus 15 degrees). If you are in London, you cannot afford to underdress:/

Despite the rain, these artists still draw their art!

Caught Lion King in the night and all I can say is that the musical is nothing like that of Singapore. Having a theatre of its own to itself, the staging, props, orchestra location and backdrops are tailored specifically to the show itself and it is so magical to be watching it live rather than on Cartoon! I still remembered when the famous African chant in ‘Circle of Life’ started I was rushing back from the toilet and I had to sit on the stairs just to enjoy the opening scene. Each life form depicted was so lifelike and we were wowed at them. Only thing lacking was the singing of some performer but we are already so impressed at all the synchronisation already:)

On our third day, we went over to Canary Wharf to take some architecture photos. On a Saturday, Canary Wharf is very peaceful and quiet, after all its a CBD area. We managed to take quite a handful of cool still shots and architecture ones as well:) love how some families brought their children out to feed the birds, so homely hahaha! But there are too many seagulls there that its kinda like a bird pollution? Hahaha. Ohh and there are quite a number of (asian) couples dating there, guess we are not the only one😉

Misty Canary Wharf

Visited Camden market after the phototaking session and I swear its the biggest market I have ever been to. Not sure if tourists flock there, but its much bigger than hongdae and bugis! It’s insane; you can buy food, clothes, souvenirs and even antiques there. Camden is really amusing and the fact that we went on a Saturday, we got to really see it flooded with shops and locals. A good thing about London is that we feel safe, even when there’s a crowd? I know that we should not let our guard down but the home feeling really made us less uptight and allowed us to enjoyed our stay more.

After walking around, we got ourselves dinner! Xinyi got some burrito like wrap with avocado sauce, while I got STEAK OMG! Hahaha its not super cheap for sure but oh man I missed steak. Something interesting I observed is the amount of effort each stall owner took to prepare the food. For example there was a stall that sold kong bap bao (扣肉包) and the English chef spent like 5 minutes arranging the meat and veg to make it look more appetising. Thinking of how Asians would prepare it in SG, i think they deserve a good effort award😂

After dinner, we went to Caffe Nero to enjoy Chai Latte and Lemon tart, and it dawned to me that it would be our last meal in London:/ time really flies and soon its gonna be parting when we head over to Birmingham. I will really miss my girl alot!

Our PreSEP Adventures: German Countryside 🇩🇪

A tale of three towns, after exploring the developed city Berlin, we decided to travel south to the countryside Bavaria region.


Because transport is so expensive in Germany, we decided to YOLO and try out one of our friend’s recommendation, blablacar! We booked an overnight carpool from Berlin to München(Munich) and wow the experience is so comfortable! The car we booked was a Volkswagen Passet and the drive is super experienced(he decided to join the community cause he benefitted while he was a student in Berlin last time). A four hours ride with a rest stop in between, the journey was superb. I would highly recommend this to friends who are travelling between cities in Europe(it is offered outside of Germany too) if the train tickets are very expensive or rides are long be excessive changes. We managed to save about 50% of our tix and 1/3 of our time to München!

Blablacar host!

The ride reached at 1.35am and the next train operated at 7.50, so we took a rest in Macdonalds at the München Central station. The night was so much better than in Barcelona Airport cause we had space to put our bags and we took turns to sleep and have coffee! Read up abit on our upcoming trip and felt so accomplished! Guess what though, we almost got pickpocketed as we took turns to sleep. A black guy approached us randomly and distracted by saying Hi while his other hand was pulling Xinyi’s phone towards him. I shouted at him to go away and thank goodness he went off. What an experience though!

Risked my life for this view

After the rest stop, we took the train down to Füssen. We bought a 9.50am ticket but we tried to go for an earlier slot. Turned out that the train conductor was anal and wanted us to alight the next stop, but we just changed cabins and she couldnt recognise us(probably cause all Asians look the same) and we arrived in Füssen at 9.50 instead of 11.50:)

The journey to Füssen was so interesting and we saw Germany’s countryside with cows grazing in the green fields and sparse houses lying along sparse roads. The morning ride was magical. And we reached Füssen, expecting it to be town-like and country. Turned out that the place was a tourist town and flooded with tourists, argh! Its far different from Chianti and honestly I wasnt expecting it at all:/


We took a bus to the ticket centre and we saw even more tourists… There are also many horse carriages and there are SO MUCH horse droppings around😡 We then find our way up to the bridge of the legendary view, Marienbrücke! It was a 30+ mins walk up and the walk os honestly quite steep. We were pleasantly surprised to see cyclists actually cycling upslope and we were wowed cause they are actually faster than us hiking up hahaha!

Disney Castle

After reaching the bridge, we managed to find an empty spot to take some nice photos of the Neuchwanstein castle and the view. Its really quite breathtaking to see the castle and the town in the backdrop and we are happy to have reached there before noon? Cause after we went back for a second time to get to the Tegelberg hiking path, it was so flooded with tourists and the guard has to limit the number of people on it. On a side note, we are very lucky because we heard that the bridge was only reopened to public ten days ago and we would have missed the awesome view if we came


After lunch, we went to start our hike up Tegelberg. Its 1370m high and we were expecting to spend about 3.5hr to get to the top. Cutting across the crowded bridge, the roads narrowed and we were quite shock to see that there isn’t a proper path to hike. Given our non hiking gears and cameras dangling across our necks, it would be difficult to get up. However, we found a more gradual path and we still managed to get to a better view of Neuchwanstein and Füssen. We saw two girls picnicing there and one of them was wearing platforms (Limxin taught me this term). Omg how did she manage to hike up like this? After their meals, they even wanted to scramble up the mountain to get a even better view. Plucking up ALOT ALOT of courage and not willing to concede defeat that we lose to a girl wearing platform heels who can climb, we followed suit and this time round, we can see Lake Alpsee and the Hohenschwangau Castle! And a further 100m up and we could see the panoramic view of the scenery! Then we decided not to continue further and get down instead(most horrifying experience down though, thanks Xinyi for helping me with it)

If you have sharp eyes, you can spot the other castle. Don’t worry if you can/t I can’t too

Supposed to catch the guy paragliding, turned out he’s just a speckie of the photo

After we got down, we walked to the castle and followed the romantic horse path down. Turned out its the most unromantic path because we just stepped into a minefield filled with horse poops, we were trying to avoid them with every step. Sigh pies, now the horses just annoy me rather than giving off their magical fairytale charms…

We then went to Lake Alpsee to see the blue of the lake and the 10 mins is really worth it! The natural colours of the lake blends in well with the reflection of the skies and trees and there are spots of wildlives(ducks and swans) and some boats out in the lake. Best part, it isn’t that touristy. After taking some cool shots and about to leave, we spotted a cluster of birds near a family which we thought was quite interesting. Upon nearer investigation, they are there because they were having a picnic! The swans and ducks are after a bread the kid was having lol! When another family came over to see, the swans scared the second kid and he dropped his lollipop. The swans were about to emerge victorious with their loot when the father took it back from them! The whole scene was SOOOOO CUTE LA! See my victorious father shot!

After heading back to Füssen, we went to check in our hostel and all I have to say is that I enjoyed Airbnb much better for the same price. Everything in the hostel is shared and needs money if you wanted something extra! Go and get airbnb if you wanna stay >2 people!

And we came out wanting to try German good but yay they closed at 6pm😒 had to eat Chinese food cause we dont want to spend too much or eat Italian in a German town. Had a good laugh when we saw all their Asian food which are the same thing with different sauces!


The next day, we wanted to travel down to Rothenburg. Before we left Füssen, we bought some bread at Bäckerei. Omg they are damn good haha! You should try German Pretzels though if you like hard bread with some salt! It tastes nothing like Pretz from Singapore! On a sadder note, we bought the wrong tickets. Thinking it was Rottenburg rather than Rothenburg, we stupidly wasted some money purchasing a couple of tickets to a totally different town😑 Thankfully we found it on time and bought a replacement ticket that goes to the correct town! So lesson learnt, the spelling is really important! So be meticulous with it!

Railways connecting one way only

On the way to Rothenburg, the train crosses a cornfield and mountainous area that looks super picturesque, like those you heard in Enid Blyton books! We made a mental note of the stop and decided to give it a try!

Reaching Rothenburg at 2pm, we waited for our host and we saw how modernised the new town is. A big shopping centre with bakery, Asian food and a megamart called Kaufland… Its nothing like what we envisioned once again haha! Check in was wonderful cause its the first time we are not having a proper bedroom, but using a yoga studio as one WOW! Sadly the host was out in Greece and could only be back in the night so we did not get to do yoga with her hahaha!

So after charging our batteries, our next stop would be… THE CORNFIELD! We took the train the other direction but we missed our stop because we did not know you actually needed to inform the driver that you are stopping, and nobody STOPS at a boring cornfield… So we alighted at the next stop, which luckily has the countryside cornfields too! Spending about half an hour there taking some lovely shots, limxin and I are kind of wowed at our spontaneous travelling plans! The fact that we can just yolo and travel to a random stop without knowing if there’s a transport back, I really love our travelling styles!

After we headed back to the main town, we started heading down to explore the town itself. For those who are interested, Rothenburg is one of the towns preserved from the Medieval ages, and survived the WW2 becaus a state minister from the US saw its beauty and decided to not bomb the town for the mayor’s surrender. That kind of history is really one of its kind!

Whenever I see a nutcracker, I will feel that Christmas is coming!

So walking down the streets, we really can’t help but get amused by… The freaking number of tourists(okay NOT amused but IRRITATED). There are people everywhere flooding the towns and there are more hotels than houses, like seriously😒 However, we did not give up and continue walking and scouting for food and wifi(the data in Rothenburg is really bad) We came to an Italian restaurant called Brot and Beit and we had pasta and Schneeball (Rothenburg’s famous pastry). I also called my mum HAHA! Sorry to disappoint you but this Schneeball tasted nothing magical, its just puff pastry with icing sugar powder, and tasted crap. We knew it was a tourist trap but we decided to try it out anyway hahaha!


Subsequently we walked to the postcard spot, Plönlein to attempt to capture a photograph, recommended by Wanling. Yay, its flooded with tourists once again😑 and we had to camp for a nice photo. Instead, we decided to come back for the blue light and capture the sunset somewhere else instead! The sunset is amazing and by the time we came back for the blue light, the magic of the town started to appear. There were still people but as the street lamps turned on, the town became really mystical and the blue light in the backdrop is amazing!

By the way, we witnessed some selfish tourists that shamelessly asked numerous people to help them take photos and they hogged up the entire photospot for 15 mins.. Please don’t be like them!

Returning to the accommodation was the most magical night ever as we could turn up the music and dance HAHAHA. Although cold, the night was really romantic and I can’t believe that our Xinson travels are coming to an end soon:/

The next morning, as we geh qiang and prepared our own breakfast(actually just coffee, milo, museli and bars), the host came down and greeted us with so much hospitality! She even offered to prepare breakfast for us, LOL! So yes, we had two rounds of breakfast and we really enjoyed sitting down to chat with her. Like what Limxin says, she has a lot of etiquette and she would spend a good time chatting with the guests over breakfast. So luckily we bathed early or we would have to rush out hahaha! Her sharing of stories about the town, Greece and Yoga was very eyeopening and we are very grateful towards her hospitality!


And so, we lastly travelled down to an impromptu stop, Würsburg. And its like a mini city bustling with people.

While it was only a stopover station for our next destination at Frankfurt airport Hahn, we managed to squeeze some fun out of it as we challenged each other to create fun contents within 2 hours. Xinyi did a snap story collection while I did a Vlog(its kinda cui so I am contemplating whether to upload it). However, we got to see a town that is kind of a merge of Barcelona and Berlin? Its a city with many schools so the city life is pretty lively. There are a lot of school exerscuions to the place and we see people skateboarding away!

Funny looking statues!

After our content creation, sharing and laughing them off, we went over for dinner at the reccomended restaurant. While the food wasnt really fantastic, we spent meaningful time talking about our adventures and thoughts. It was also then when we found out… We booked the shuttle service to the wrong airport. There are 3 airports in Frankfurt and we all thought there was only one.. We quickly called haolin to help us with the booking. HAOLIN YOU ARE OUR LIFE SAVIOR:)

After dinner, we went over to wait for our bus and wew, our bus is delayed by 1h 30mins. Such an eventful day hor😑 lesson learnt, if you want to book connecting transports from different companies, make sure you have ALOT of buffer. We are lucky that our flight is a morning flight and not afternoon or we would have missed our flight.

And so, we are on our way back to London. A familiar feeling and we cant wait to settle down in our new environments. Mid terms are coming for my NUS friends, wishing yall all the best for them and may the profs be nice to you!

Our PreSEP Adventures: Berlin, City of History 🇩🇪

Disclaimer: This post has alot of food images because food is really cheaper in Berlin and we had better meals. Proceed at the risk of your hunger:P


Some still shot I was trying cause of the bird flocks

After Italy, our next stop is Germany. First out of the three is our longest stay(5D 4N), the capital Berlin! Recalling back to our planning phase, Berlin was one of the places we really wanted to go and we kind of said the place together(jynx moment). Thus, we really looked forward to this city a lot!

Tiergarden war memorial

East Side Gallery

Jews Memorial Museum

Caged away T.T

Most importantly for this trip we learnt about the history of Germany. How a country crisis fueled into hate that spurred the Nazis ambitions and cause the war and genocides to happen. It taught us a lot of meaningful perspectives that a country should be anything but bearing hatred or exclusivism of a certain group of people. Oh and its really noteworthy to see the Germans valuing this history of their own and making important landmarks such as the Bahn station (which sent 1/5 of the jewish kids to London) and also the Berlin walls that marked the unification of Berlin in 1989! For your additional infomation, the German Government are trying their best to acknowledge the nazi crimes and remembering the events as a criminal event, using words such as murdered to apologise to the Jews.

On Day 3, we went to explore the Turkish market in the region of Kreuzburg! That was when we discovered that outside of Turkey, Berlin has the highest number of Turkish settlement! In fact, it is so big in Berlin that they actually integrated their culture and food into their lifestyle(Berlin is famous for Currywursts and Kebaps). A big thank you to Xinyi for stalking bloggers and discovering about this mart which only opens on two days of the week! We managed to try some turkish food such as Turkish cous cous, Medjol dates, Gozleme as well as Turkish Delight! All of them have an exoticnflavor that one has not experienced in Singapore and they do not cost a bomb:) some of them are actually veg and they dont even have the strong veggie taste, YAY!

On day 4, we went over to Markthalle Neun and discovered that there is a farmers mart on Saturday! After walking around for 1hr plus, we decided to try their farm produces, flank burger, spinach quinche, apple crumble and lentils! Omg another fulfilling food meal:) and an advice to those who want to try it out, come on sunday morning(breakfast market) or Thursday night (street food night). Definitely worth a try!

Cycling culture as strong as London

Transport in Berlin is highly accessible and efficient. And an interesting note to Berlin is that it works on an honour system! The government do not build gantries in public transport stations and they trust the Germans to pay dutifully. As a result, we got to travel around Berlin for free:) do take note that there may be officers checking around and the fine is 60 euros. We are not so lucky to get caught yet but Khengyee told me her friend got caught! I heard they are usually guys in their 20s wearing casual wear. Travel free at your own risk!

Other than that, Berlin is a very special place. The architecture and streets reminded me of Singapore(high-rise, playgrounds, shopping centre) but yet at the same time, they are really European(domes, synagouge, artefacts). The lifestyle between central berlin and berliners in the outer regions are different as well. The outer seems more countryside and chill while those in central berlin are more civilised but hectic. It was an interesting 5 days to walk around with xinyi to different parts of the city:)

Entrepreneur training since 9 years old

Finally as we said, we ate like kings in Berlin because everything is much cheaper! From Currywurst to Kebap and even Asian food! Omg! And yea we visited 2 chocolate speciality shops (rittersports and Fassbender and Rauach) , highly reccomend to get as gift frim Ritter Sports cause they are so cheap (1.05 euro for the choc bars)! And for the latter, we suggest that even if you are on a budget, empty your 20cents and buy their 20c chocs, they are so good:)))

Now before I end, I just want to conclude by saying Berlin can be really expensive if you buy their Berlin Pass and go to their restaurants everyday. But likewise, Berlin can be the most afforable city of your journey if you research before hand and plan your trip properly(ie go to Reichstag Dome for free if you book prior, Turkish Mart on tuesday and fridays, farmer mart/street food on sat/thursday…) Do visit Berlin, if you are interested in history and also some cheap thrills here and there. Visit their supermart, trust me, you will squeal in delight!

Our PreSEP Adventures: Water Towns 🇮🇹

The two towns surrounded by water bodies, they definitely have their very own beauty. We stop by both towns for one day each to finish our second country stretch in Italy!

Lights like fireflies!

My favourite night shot!

Cinque Terre

My favourite sunset shot of Riomaggiore
Literal Italian translation of “Five Lands”, this legendary Italian seaside is built on hills and steps. Cinque Terre is supposedly represented by five towns but in our road trip we choose to only cover Riomaggiore because we had a similar travel objective, to capture the mystical sunset view of the town:)

The journey from Greve in Chianti to Riomaggiore is about 5 hours traveling to Florence, Pisa, La Spitza and finally Riomaggiore! We took the chance to blog a little about our trip and then research about the scenic photo spots. We were glad that the trip to Rio is smooth and not much delay was encountered except the last train that runs from La Spitza through CT. A gentle advice is to reach the train stations as early as you can and to book your tickets early so you can have them at a lower rate! Rumors about train conductors not checking the tickets are indeed true for some routes but you wont know which ones they are, so its good to play safe and purchase them dutifully!

Train at La Spezia
When we reached Riomaggiore, we went to the take away restaurant Mama Mia, where the airbnb host greeted us with enthusiasm and even gave us some free food! He’s a really nice chap and he showed us around the room and pantry area. Absolutely the best Airbnb host so far and he even has a best Airbnb 2015 tag attached to him. Would highly reccomend you to get him if you are ever going to Cinque Terre. Its called Ciao Bella and the airbnb person in charge is Steffano! http://eng.ciaobellacinqueterre.com

After checking in, we rested for a short while, charged our batteries and went to the Rocky split to recce for our sunset shot. When we reached, we were taken by a surprise. It is a rocky beach and to walk around the area, we needed to ‘boulder’ around the rocks. It would be easy but we were carrying our cameras and bags and wearing slippers, while trying not to get wet! So after much struggle, we got to the centre area where many angmohs were suntanning and we sat there for awhile. The sun is amazing for a good tan and we just bathe in the sun for awhile while testing out some shots.

Subsequently we climbed back and grab some dinner (calamari and focaccia) and we went back to our photo spot to set up for the shots. Picnic at these rocks is simply amazing because its so CHILL! Loving the life there haha, and also the calamari and focaccia are cheap and delicious(we paid 7 euros for both because we had discount card). Oh just a note to not bring so many loose items with you such as your phones and sunglasses. You may want to leave them in your backpack so they dont slip off and drop into the sea!

Professional at work

This is not us, btw!

Blows me away~
At 7pm, as the sun begins to set, we came alive. The weather started to cool and we no longer sweat out much. The tourists began to clear the beach area too YAY, but we could still see many of them nearer to the start of the beach waiting for sunset as well. After setting up, we began to explore a few more shots of both the sunset and the beach. Mind us for the boredom but these are really exciting to us to watch the sunset and get a cool shot haha(perks of buying a better camera:P) and so, here are our end products by the time the sun set and the blue lights faded away!

Now let me warn you first, getting back to the shore in the night is quite a challenge because you cannot really see the rocks conditions and you may risk slipping, so remember to be careful if you intend to do what we did! To get a nice long exposure shot, it is also advisable to bring along a tripod or you have to make do with a makeshift one with your camera bags, slippers and whatever you can find!
After reaching back, we had a good night rest and we woke up to even more hospitality when the host prepared us a buffet of focaccia and coffee and orane juice haha! Its damn good supposedly we paid 86 for the night(for 2 peeps)!


The second town built in close proximity to water bodies, I always expected it to be one of the most preserved town in Italy, having read about the history of it in social studies. To my surprise, Venice is actually more modernised than the capital Rome itself. I envisioned a petit town with bridges, ancient buildings and a river filled with Gondolas, but we were greeted by a huge ass glass bridge, central bus terminus and cruise ships that sailed the grand canal. In other words, this place surprised me well😂

Model Lim

What did I say about gelatines?

Crossing three bridges and turning left, we reached our accommodation and even though our host was out, he had responsibly made arrangement for us to check in the building. Thankfully! When we opened the door to the airbnb room, we are delighted by the hotelish setting! The bed, the bathroom, the kitchen! The airbnb just gets better and better! Hahaha! Oh and the host even gave us a £17.50 travel guide for free, OMG RIGHT?


30s exposure, see Xinyi’s better night shot: https://xinfuladventures.wordpress.com/2016/09/08/cinque-terre-x-venice/

Street Performers are not uncommon

Soon after, we got out of the house and went to the main square to look for dinner. It was a pain scouting for affordable food cause Venice is a touristy place and everything is in italian🙄 eventually we shared some tourist menu for one person but it has three items. Turned out they tasted quite well and it kinda make us feel abit better haha. We could even go for gelato afterwards!

Freaking overpriced meals

After dinner, we saw the blue light and we began taking long exposure shots of it! Of course, xinyi got a much better shot than I did! We were so satisfied with the shots that we kept talking about them till the point we were about to sleep, waiting for sunrise.

Turned out… The night was horrible, thanks to some fucking mosquitos that kept bugging us and we ended up sleeping really little:/ being unable to sleep, we woke up before 5am and we travelled down to St Mark Square by 6.30am for the sunrise. The sunrise was really magical and we got to see Venice in a new light even though it was partly cloudy. The daybreak was simply gorgeous and we saw a couple taking their bridal shots there and a model taking professional shots at the square itself. It seems that St Mark Square is a popular destination for weddings after all, but its obviously expensive like what xinglai said haha! Anyway, here are the shots from the day😁

Early wedding shot of couple. EXCITED for them:)

Shot of some model taking her magazine shots then. Damn early sia!

And finally, we got to try out the Venetian coffee Macchiatone. Its basically espresso with a splash of milk! Well, my verdict on it? It tasted like espresso, like really espresso😒
Overall the past 2 days have been really different and we finally got a taste of what is autumn gonna be like (Venice is colddddddd) would highly recommend everyone going Italy to stop by these two places, of course, Venice will be better if you have >1 day. You can actually island hop around:)

Our PreSEP Adventures: Tuscany Magic 🇮🇹

Tuscany-bound for the past three days of the road trip. Tuscany is a really beautiful region of Italy and has multiple scenic landscapes that are worth staying for. The Italians in these places are also much friendlier(less tourist phobic) and we enjoy talking to them, learning about their lifestyles and culture!


Florence (Firenze):

Piazzale Michelangelo (Giant replica of DAVID at the back)

No Florentine steak cause we can’t finish, so we got some other steak

Gelato Festival (20 SCOOPS)
Lets start of with Florence, the fairytale town of Italy. This town has a lot of potential to become the next Venice/rome in terms of things to enjoy and sceneries. Florence has a lot of history in the Renaissance era, in both Art and Science. Famous figures like Micheangelo and Galileo had spent part of their lives in this town working and its very interesting to find out about them if you were to visit this place! I would recommend skipping the touristy Academy Museum (where Michelangelo David is) and go for the Galileo Museum! Theres a blown up replica of David in Piazza Michelangelo anyway(see my photo). Florence has also various religious roots, which we did not go for due to the touristy nature, if you are keen you can go for the famous Il Duomo di Firenze! Btw Florence’s italian name is Firenze(cool, huh)! And also, its so romantic that there are alot of marriages! In our stay of 2 days we witnessed like 4-5 weddings!



Galileo Museum

This place is filled with marriages

In Florence, there are many scenic places for a good photograph! Piazza Michelangelo is one to take nice panoramic views of the town and so are the bridges. I suggest Ponte Santa Trinita rather than Ponte Vecchio(the one with shops) for the best sunset/town view;) see our photos again!

In terms of food, Florence is…. Super duper famous for coffee and gelato. Trust me, you will see a gelato shop every 3 mins walk around. Even Venchy is there! But the cheap and good one we tried is across the bridge Pone alla Carraria, called La Carraria. We had 3 scoops for 3.50 and omg the gelato is rich till you can squeal in delight:P Then, there is also a nice cafe by Arno called Riverlta Cafe. You can order a drink (any) for a decent price (8-10 euros) and you get the buffet for free. Yes your heard me right, BUFFET for 8 euros. You can even be thick skinned and order a caffe for 3 euros and have the buffet but we didint try that hahaha! Also a side note is that tipping culture in Florence is flexible and can be offset if you order caffe, according to the host(sadly we didint try!)

There is also a saying that you must have the Florentine steak when you are in Florence. Well, actually I would reccomend you go there with an empty stomach or if you are going with a group of friends. It is about 1kg and it costs 45-50 euros for the whole steak. So it will be a waste if you cannot finish it, but i personally like the steak alot cause its really succulent and flavourful:) xinyi said its inconsistent though haha! Remember to do some research to find out if your steak restaurant requires reservation!
And finally, we had the Focaccia which cost 5 euros and my gosh, its heavenly. First time eating pizza sandwich that big! Mine is called Summer Sandwich and it has bacons and mozerella, which Xinyi’s is called La Dante and it has TRUFFLE SAUCE, OMG! I wanttttt! Hahaha, the shop is called All’antico Vinaio, give it a recommendation:)

Foccasia Shop

Also, Florence is filled with events that brought out the liveliness of the place. When we went over, we happened to witness the Gelato Festival finale and we shared a Gelato pass to tried 20 scoops of ice cream😍😍 Speaking of Gelato overload, we are really lucky haha! And best of all, these flavors are mostly exotic and cant be found in regular gelato shops!

After spending two days in Florence, we took a 1 hour bus down to Greve in Chianti, South of Florence and North of Siena.

Greve in Chianti (pronounced as Kravay in Qiantee):

The photos did all the talking but this place is simply postcard worthy everywhere. When we arrived at the airbnb, we asked the host if there is any spot to capture a nice photo. And she went like, err here, there, well EVERYWHERE. We thought she was legitly trolling us, but we realised that she meant it. Climbing up Montefioralle to the winery, we saw Tuscany in summer. The green, the clouds, the sun, the vineyards, the sparse houses on the hills, the brown roads. Marvellous, everything is perfect with minimal human intervention. A pity that some parts of the hill are browning even though its summer, this meant that this place isn’t spared from global warming and even the vegetations are dying out😞 Nonetheless, the place is still photoworthy everywhere!


Love the skies

Wine tasting is possible for about 14 euros!

We went over to the winery at Montefioralle, the famous one but to realise that we actually need a reservation to do the winetasting:/ well, at least we saved 15 euros each and we got to see a remarkable view of the vineyard:) and we spent another hour there taking good shots once again, YAY😁😁 however, if you really want to do wine tasting, you will need to call them to book, especially on peak periods(summer)

Town festival in place on the Sunday!

Then, we descended the hills to walk to the town square where all the shops are. Nearing to the town, we heard some Italian music and Xinyi was like “I wonder what would their taste of music be like”. Guess what? PIRATES OF CARRIBEAN BAY pieces played afterwards and it caught us by surprise haha! We quickly chiong to the town square and we were blown our of our minds. There was actually a town festival taking place! And a lot of effort seemed to be placed into the festival. We saw children dancing with their mums, trees doing step dances (to cheap thrill by sia) and even themed costumes. We really fell in love with the town life of these people haha! This would not be easily seen in Singapore or even other cities in Europe!

Still can’t get enough of Gelato in Italy


On a hindsight, Greve is quiet on Sundays and most shops, including supermarkets, are closed. We didint get to eat alot or buy a good breakfast but we managed to chanced by a restaurant that sold decent food and offered winetasting. And we had Gelato!

To conclude our Tuscany stretch, I would say that its magical. Places to go before you die, and NOT touristy unlike Rome or Barcelona. We really love them and we hope Fussen and Rottenburg will be like that too! Looking forward to the German stretch and the remaining Italian (Cinque Terre and Venice) ones:) till then, ciaooooo!