My SEP Adventure: Belgium Buddy 🇧🇪& Lone Luxembourg 🇱🇺


Hello, I am back in Belgium! This time round, I am travelling with my buddy Woojin! I am really lucky to have met this awesome guy in Hanyang and that we kept in contact afterwards:)

Buddy Jin
Another 7 hours of bus to Brussels and even though I was so tired of it, I was actually looking forward to meeting my buddy:) Envious of him though cause he was able to stopover at Paris for 3 hours and the view is, as you can see AMAZING EIFFEL with CLEAR SUNNY SKIES.

Taken by Woojin, edited by Yours Sincerely
—–(A long long bus ride later…)—–


An interesting fact is that Belgium is separated into 3 regions mainly due to differences in language – French and Dutch speakers. The regions are Flanders in the north (Dutch), Wallonia in the south (French) and Brussels in the centre (Bilingual) – Brussels Facts

Our damn good hostel!
Reaching Brussels, I am finally reunited with my jin(that’s a reference to his email hahaha)! It’s quite relieving to see him once again😄 A good thing about Brussels this week is that the weather is much more forgiving and far warmer than it was 2 weeks ago. We went to check in at our hostel 2GO4 and hey it is AP very comfortable! We booked a 6 bed room but got upgraded to a 4 bed room! And it only cost like 17 euros, really worth the deal!

A good thing about hostel is that you get to meet Travellers (especially students) from other parts of the world and it is easy to connect to them and ask them about their perspectives and interests. During our night, we met 2 Spanish girls studying in Dublin and they were sharing about Spanish stuffs, and yea literally we were having a ‘tapas’ talk hahaha! Also met this Californian guy who is having an exchange in Paris! His life is admirable! Being 25 and married, he is also both an American🇺🇸 and Mexican🇲🇽. He signed on in Special Force (OMG) and was assigned to Afghanistan to support the US troops there (DOTS anyone?). The most interesting part of the convo was that he wanted to vote for Trump not because he hates Clinton; he did raise some very new perspectives from the military side. He said that Donald Trump would be able to collaborate with Russia to stop the war in Middle East, while Clinton will remain status quo and continue fighting what her husband has left behind there. While not everyone may agree with that but it’s his stance and it’s good to hear an educated answer from a Native American:)

Going back to the travels, we kind of followed quite similarly to what Xinyi and I had two weeks ago, so I won’t harp on them. Something cool to highlight was Grand Place in night is probably the only reason you should stay in Brussels for a night haha. Just look at all the purple glows!

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Oh and please don’t scrimp on your waffles and fries, thinking other parts of Belgium will be cheaper cause they are not the capital. Brussels food and souvenirs are actually the cheapest. I guess it’s like Berlin, but not as ridiculously cheap.

Mitrailette again~


Moving on to Ghent(Gent), I will say that this is my favourite town in Belgium! While we arrived to be welcomed by a skies of grey clouds and gloomy atmosphere, we were greeted with a Dutch-ish town that is very very different from Brussels. So while Brussels failed to impress much, Ghent blew us away:) A cool thing about Belgium as mentioned in my previous post, is that it was under different ruling before it became independent. Thus, it is split into a few region – Capital Brussels, the northern Flemish (Dutch dialect) speaking Flemish, the southern French speaking Walloon and German speaking Wallonia.

River Leie
This would explain Amsterdam looking buildings in Bruges and Ghent and also windmills in Bruges, which you will see later on!

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Fun Fact: Ghent has always been know as a city of rebels.

Along river Leie, every point on the bridge is picturesque. We spot a hostel just located beside St Michael’s Bridge and there is no curtains. So…. tourists on the bridge can just look in and see the guests naked but the guests can sleep with the stunning view all day. Whether this is worth it, I leave it to you to decide hahaha.

We stayed at an airbnb room 5 mins away. The owner, José, is very kind to help us with the arrangement of check in even though he was not around physically. Would recommend his place – do ask me if you are keen, I paid about 60 Sgd for one night(for 2 people), with breakfast included.

Our Airbnb accom. The quote is so random!
Ah and skip the castle, it is not that nice and you will need to pay 6€ to get in – don’t think it’s worth it though. Instead, we went earlier to the eat-all-you-can Spare Ribs restaurant Amadeus. For 18€, you can have unlimited servings of pulled pork ribs, glazed in some super addictive roasted sweet sauce. And the sides, salad and the signature Jacket Potato, are free flow as well. The jacket potato was the best I have eaten so far in Europe! The potato was perfectly baked and served with some savoury sauce that had a hinge of curry inside. In total, the kiasu me went straight for 3 servings of spare ribs and zomg, that was one of the best meal I had in a very long time. Kind of looking forward to a good meal back in Singapore!

Unlimited Ribs Galore
And annoyingly, it started to rain as predicted by the weather forecast. Despite the cold and pelting-on-the-face, the rain made Ghent much magical. One of my favourite song from Les Miserables was ‘On My Own’ and the lyrics of the song go like “In the rain, the pavement shines like silver. All the lights are misty in the river. In the darkness, the trees are full of starlight.” IT IS EXACTLY WHAT EPONINE HAD IMAGINED!

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Really thank you to the magic you have shown us, Ghent!


On the third day, we went over to Bruges. Also known as “Little Venice of the North”, Bruges has canals, bridges and houses built around the river. However, it also takes up the touristy aspect of Venice, with overpriced food and souvenirs flooding the market square. Tip! Do not buy from stores around there. They are for tourists who came unprepared!

We checked in our hostel, Hostel Lybeer at around afternoon and the hostel is quite cool, with sleeping spaces shaped like rabbit holes/bookshelves. The only downside was that, there was no locker to lock up the valuables so it would be a risk to leave the valuables behind. However, just remember to bring a handy lock for your luggage and you will be fine everywhere:) No pickpocket will be zai enough to steal/slash open your entire bag without you knowing.

Bruges Facts: Like the country, the city is known for its liberal values and it’s mandatory for every citizen to vote. Not only has it recognised the institution of same-sex marriage since 2003, but it’s also legal to possess up to five grams of cannabis. (Beers and Beans)

Minnewater Lake
aka Lovers’ Lake
We decided to rent a bike to cycle around town, since bikes are very common there for Bruges is a Dutch influenced part of Belgium *coughs Amsterdam*. 10€ for 4 hours, and it was fun riding again. Can’t remember the last time I could ride, but its one of the three essential life skills one should acquire hahaha!

Bike buddy!
Had lunch at Bocca, a pasta box store (not opened on Sunday). The verdict is that the pasta is darned good! Got the signature Bocca sauce(hello its in the name of the shop) with bacon and cheese. Ah… the flavour was so rich that I finished the pasta box really fast. Woojin was faster though… Guess we were really hungry too!

Pasta Box, only 4.50 Euros!
After lunch, we cycled down to Minnewater; also known as Lovers’ Lake. Something interesting to mention about Bruges is that they are aware of why tourists visit the city and in their official map – they marked out Fries shops, Night shops(pubs) and KISS spots😂 Of course, Minnewater is a KISS spot but Woojin and I did not kiss for obvious reasons! The lake is probably the best reason to visit Bruges for a honeymoon too:)


Copied what Woojin did!
We then cycled up to see the iconic windmills in the Belgian town. And yea whIle you definitely cannot compare them to those at Zaanese Schans, its still amazing to see a real life-sized windmill hahaha. Did some step/goofy shots there and it was just in time for the next change of Bruges – the merciless rain.


Bruges Windmill
The rain did not just pour continuously, it was on and off and heavier than drizzles. We decided to return our bike earlier so we could hide from the rain but by the time we reached the bike shop, we were kind of drenched. And after we returned the bikes, the rain stopped… for like half an hour before it started pouring again. Haiz, such fickleness makes me sick🙄

Regardless of the erratic weather, we still enjoyed our time in Belgium! Travelling with Woojin was really comfortable! Woojin is very organised and he had a self-prepared information sheet for each town we were going to. They were in Korean though but I am very thankful to Woojin for recommending these places to visit and for willing to make compromises here and there:) I posted on Instagram saying that I learnt a lot from this guy, so he asked me what exactly did I learn? Haha, other than speaking simple german phrases like schön, I have also discovered that Woojin is really disciplined. He has been pen-writing a travel diary everyday since the start of his exchange, and well, it has been three months and he is still going strong. I am ashamed to say that I cannot keep a diary cause it will just disappear halfway haha! Woojin’s love for his girlfriend is remarkable as well! Wherever Woojin goes, he will look for souvenirs to buy for his girlfriend and also take a photo of his polaroid (with the famous landscape as the background). He said that he wanted to compile a video for his girlfriend, Sooooooo sweetttttttt! Hahaha, but before you guys can ask when is it my turn, I did a video for Xinyi already. Just couldn’t upload on Facebook due to copyright issues with the song *groans*


Brussels Waffles (bought in Bruges ironically)
Oh and Koreans have very similar databases! I think they used Naver to plan their trips, looking at Korean reviews and the result is that I see a lot of Koreans around (especially in the Hostel Lybeer). In fact, we even hit it off (they were kind to speak english to me) and we had lunch together. Thank Woojin for being my wingman HAHA!

A Night View
Iconic shot, but bad weather!
And that marks the end of my friendship trip with Woojin:) Can’t wait for a future trip with him again!


Fact: It has the highest GDP per capita in the world and its GDP is almost three times the average GPD of EU. (

Finally, after 8 hours of bus ride, I have reached Luxembourg 🇱🇺 This small country is landlocked by Belgium, France and Germany but it has the world’s second highest GDP per capita (second to only Qatar) Thus as expected, the cost of living would be quite high! A cup of hot chocolate could easily cost €4.50. Thank goodness for carrefour now haha!

Visited the city today but omg it was freezing! The weather report told me that it is cloudy buy they did not say it would drizzle! The rain froze my hands and phone died within 3 hours despite full charge😪


Nonetheless, this small city of Luxembourg is still beautiful in ts own way! Similar to Ronda, Luxemborug is built on gorges and there is an upper level and the Grund level, making it pretty unique. The city is very organised and uses yellow bricks as its theme. The only downside is that there are too much constructions ongoing. Overall,  i feel that this place can be quite underwhelming and I would advice to come. Only if it is a stopover city.(The only thing that I found memorable was this sunset)



Ah, I know i have been travelling a lot and yes I do skip a bit of school to travel. However, I did fulfill my obligation as a student by catching up on webcasts, notes and assignments! I have finished my part for the project due in two weeks! If there is something exchange taught Xinyi and myself, it would to be time efficient!


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