Our PreSEP Adventures: Rome-ing around 🇮🇹


Castel Sant’Angelo
Our last 3 days were spent at romantic Rome, as you can probably recognise from our instaspams. Once again, we got to experience something really different in Europe! Lets start off with the not so nice things first this time..


Colosseo View

Rome-ing streets of Rome
Interior of Colosseo, tried my best to reduce tourists in photo
The first thing we felt when we got off the plane to the accom, the Romans are quite tourist-phobic. They are not as friendly as Spainish folks, and our airbnb host was quite hostile and strict. I guess Rome is too infested with tourists that the locals are afraid their culture will be diluted. The other thing is that other than Gelato, everything in Rome is overpriced. In addition, like what people have told us, Rome can be quite underwhelming at the touristy spots. That is quite true because tourists flooding the place make you feel just like you wanna get out of the place. You can hardly take a photobomb-free selfie:/ Colosseo, Vatican City, Patheon… Well, at least the views and site shots made up for the exhaustion!



Pantheon, another touristy site
Ronan Forum, one of my favourite photos
Roman Forum Gate
Colosseo, Roman Forum, Pantheon, Balatino Hill, all of these are the most touristy areas everyone will want to visit. Having said that, theres a saying “When in Rome, do as the Romans do” Not visiting these places would definitely not feel like you have been to Rome haha! The Roman architectures are really beautiful, and if you have a good camera, do bring them out for some nice shots! Do watch your belongings as Rome is notorious for pickpockets as well!


But other than that, Rome is a pretty neat and romantic place. ROMEing down the streets make you feel elegant and classy. It emits a very different air from Barcelona. The latter has a much liberal, globalised, youngster culture, while Rome is much more matured and artistic, friendly for adults and honeymoon couples HAHAHA! Would highly recommend people visiting the city to not join tours, but to walk down the streets yourselves. Do wear comfortable shoes/ sandals though, the roads are old and rocky!


Castel Sant’ Angelo Statue
Rome and Vatican City: A tale of two cities
The Streets of Rome
Found in Napoleon Museum, an art of ancient rome
One of the Cathedral in Rome

For those who do not know, Rome is an excavated city and many of its buildings and artefacts are national monuments. This explains why it has museums after museums and so many archeological sites! On the other hand, Vatican City is a separate COUNTRY on its own(no it is not part of italy). Therefore if you really like art and religious structures, Rome and Vatican City will be very fun for you! You can visit Napoleon Museum (free), national galleries and the famous Galleria Borghese (remember to book in advance). Else if you are the shopping person, you can always go down to Via Condotti, Spagna to walk around and shop. Their Zara collection is one of the best I have seen in the world for both guys and girls. They are not too expensive either, compared to SG! But sorry if you are a nature person, Rome does not have much nature to offer you!



Castel Sant’ Angelo
Sun rays caught at Castel Sant’ Angelo
3 Gelato scoops, 4 euros, Gelateria del Tetro

Museum hopping is really fun for us though, even though we aren’t able to fully enjoy art pieces, not when the descriptions are mostly in Italian haha. Instead of doing that, we went around creating puns (OOPS HAHA) and entertaining ourselves and friends:P Rome has plenty of archaelogical sites and one of the less touristy ones is Castel Sant’ Angelo, a castle built by Romans to defend the city. It was a back up visit for us because the National Galleries are closed but it surprised us with its fabulous view of the two cities, see my featured image. We really love this visit and it cost 10 Euros if you do not have a Roma Pass.


When it comes to food, Roman’s restaurant culture is really strong. We can’t really see fast food except one or two MacDonalds outlets at the city centre! And their restaurants are actually only famous for their specialities, I would advice not to try something out of that, cause it just sucks(my cod fish was ruined:/) Their Gelatos are real cheap too, 3-4 euros you can get about 3 scoops(legit flavors too)? What a steal right! Its dirt cheap and we had gelato every day haha! If you are on budgets, you can be like us, hunting for croissants(0.90-1 Eur with filling) or cook your own dish (we spent under 8 euros for meat, soup, veg and pasta for 2 people)


Bread for lunch, cheap and delicious 
Photo worthy too, cause we are Asians
Li Rioni Pizza!
Lady Iron Chef recommendation at Taverna del Seminario
Lovely dinner date to up the ambience
Finally, coming to my last point, transport in Rome may seem intimidatingly expensive. But still, don’t buy the Roma pass cause its not that worth it! Most of the buses are actually free cause the bus conductor are very lenient and they do not check of you paid or not. Metro and trains you will need to pay though! But for any reason, don’t take the cabs!



Rome Supreme Law Court
Street Performer near Pantheon
Street near Pantheon

Yep, our Rome adventures have officially ended and its time to move on to a more chill town, Florence. Florence is part of the Tuscany region and we are really excited for it (google Tuscany!) if possible, i would love to bring my family to Rome haha:) Ciao, guys!