Our PreSEP Adventures: Andalucia Summer 🇪🇸

Seville (Sevilla)

HOT HOT HOT, 39 deg Celsius is no joke, and ironically it is much cooler than a week before, according to the host😅 But any amount of sweat is worth it in exchange for an old town with such unique architectures. Sevilla was once a muslim town that was christianised 500 years ago. As such, their streets and building somewhat look like the ones from middle east, like we are in Dubai or something haha!

Breakfast with our favourite host, Medhy
We also would really have to thank our host Medhy for being so warm and welcoming! We do not have much concrete plans when we came over to Seville and we were quite uncertain of the culture and safety, until Medhy came and talk to us about it. A tour guide for occupation, Medhy really knows his stuffs and could help us plan out a detailed itinerary when he understands how long do we have! As such, we are able to capture the best of Sevilla(the palace, cathedral, panoramic sunset) within a day and at the same time still have time to rest and plan for our trip to Ronda. We would really love to thank Medhy for his help in making our trip so successful!

Other things that have occured during this trip and was meaningful includes asking a English backpacker(who turned out to be a teacher) for directions. Its really interesting to see a backpacker walking around with their trusty backpacks! There was also a Moroccan lady, who also turned out to be a teacher of French, whom we asked to help us take a photo!

The locals are really welcoming as well! There was this meal when the waitress joked with us in English:
Me: Is the water free?

Waitress: Yes, but the tip is not😂
And yes, their tipping culture is really strong!

These interactions with people around the world make the trip really lively and we have alot of things to learn from them:)

Ah, but Sevilla… I really miss the 2.90 and 3.50 euro tapas. They are so damn good and cheap😪 Not to make you drool (especially gluttons like Michelle), but its simply amazing how Spanish dishes can amalgamate sweet with saveur. Every taste just blended in so well together and form a unique form of its own (kinda reminded me of the Ratatouille lessons haha).

Oh and one more thing, if you have the chance, you should plan for a trip to go to see the Flamenco dances. There is a free one that starts at 9.30! We didint go cause we were too tired, but its a should go if yall want to experience the full culture of Andalusia:)

Sevilla Town, colours of the wind

Placa d’espanya, where Star Wars is filmed

Baguette Love

The Chinese Twist

Alcazar, Game of Thrones filming location!

Seville Cathedral, once a Muslim Mosque

Placa d’espanya: View from level 2

Sunset at the Parasol

Tapas Dinner:)

Tapas Dinner Mate

Parasol landscape, actually the photographer sucks haha



1 hour bus ride south of Seville, but yet the climate is cooler than Seville haha! To use one phrase to describe Ronda, I would choose picturesque. Every photo you can take looks like a postcard, and even help me to get some love on 500px hehe:P Ronda is a really good place to trek, hike and shop but remember to get a good pair of hiking shoes and overcome your fear of heights or you will end up not finishing the route like us(sorry!) Yet, the view is still magnificent and the 24 euro return bus ride is definitely worth it! Like what Medhy had advised us, you can actually stay there(should be quite affordable) and make a trip down to hike around Andalusia. Trust me when I say that we even enjoyed the bus ride to Ronda cause the view is so breathtaking. There are so many picture perfect points:))

El Tajo Gorge

Handsome staff making nougats

Favourite pic at the gorge

Pan-O-Rams of the gorge

Nougats Nougats

Ronda Street
Overall, Andalucia is not a widely visited place unlike Barcelona and it is definitely not what one will think of unless you are a die hard fairytale person who dreams of going to these places to relive those fairy tale dreams or someone who really enjoys photography. But I would highly reccomend this place to everyone who intend to visit South Europe or Morocco because its simply one of the regions that define what Spain is today in everybody’s perspective! Adíos~

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