Our PreSEP Adventures: London first stretch 🇬🇧

London is awesome. Sevilla is awesome. Ronda is awesome too. Basically, we are really enjoying our adventures now😁 Like what our friends have told us, every city/town has a unique flavor of their own and its simply eyeopening to be able to get a feel of how their lifestyles are like as well! Of course, this meant limxinnn and I have to have fast adapting skills hahaha!

So far, we have covered London, Seville and Ronda and for this post, lets just talk about the world busiest financial sector, London!


Their pace of life is pretty similar to Singapore but one thing that I got about their lifestyles is that they are quite independent. You would see more teens running around with backpacks going for road trips, rather than seeing family outings around. We are very lucky to have arranged to meet up with Michelle, xinyi’s old friend. Basically she is a year 3 student in LSE, and she knows the place in and out. Michelle helped us to settle in really fast and even brought us for 5 pounds lunch around the place. Shes really observant and helpful, always giving us travellers’ tips haha! We are really indebted to her:)

Otherwise, we did had a mini city tour walking around London and while helping tourists to take photos, we came across this family who could recognise us from being Singapore(and not Korea), based on the way we speak. This is so impressive cause it seems like Singaporeans do have a unique tongue after all:) the sense of identity!
But lets hold on more for london in the future cause we will be returning on 15 Sep:)
Here are some of the most zai pictures/videos we took of the city, we love our cameras!

SOHO @ London

Amerind Flower Ice Cream

Breakfast Bitch

The Cursed Child

Reaching for the skies@ Trafalgar Square

London Buses on strike, kidding. Just a row of them

Favourite couple shot @ Trafalgar Square

Streets of London

Capturing a Lapras?

Getting photobombed at the Palace

Waiting for the rail