Bon Voyage~ 🇸🇬

A week of goodbyes made me feel rather emotionally vulnerable. Somehow, 11 days no longer seem really far away. Cherishing all the moments that I can enjoy before the ultimate farewell in 1+ week time:/


Countdown to UK is <5 days and the feelings of leaving home is getting real! Its a mixture of nostalgia but excitement at the same time, so I won’t be able to tell you that I am dreading or wanting Sunday to come. However, one thing for sure is that I am really touched by people who are willing to set aside time to meet me. I am the kind who likes to max out my schedule of events (or rather, it always gets maxed out on its own) and still continue squeezing in more sessions of meet ups to connect with others hahaha.

These few days of packing and settling of administration, makes me feel like I really owe my parents a big thank you because they have always been consistently reminding me of all the things I need to do and helping me settle when they can as well. Yet on the other hand, I seemed to be prioritising the wrong stuffs like buying a camera hahaha! But no guilt about that cause its really something I wanted to get for a long long time, and I finally got the opportunity! Really, looking back at the past year or so, I am super thankful to my parents for always supporting me in pursuing my university studies:)

Also working quite a fair bit on the itinerary with Xinyi. Kind of enjoyed doing it with her and that we would get super excited over the smallest details of the trip. Even as we disagreed on some stuffs, we will eventually work out something together, and that itself is learning to us. However, I don’t really want others to interfere in our planning even though we are green in travelling. The reason is that the people who are ultimately travelling and spending are us and no one else. I don’t want to end up blaming others for plans that go wrong during the trip say due to delay and scams? I sincerely appreciate the kind gestures people put in to ensure our safety and all, but we are seriously adults and students. We have a lot of constraints but we know how to take care of ourselves. Yep, at the end of the day, I promise that we will be safe and sound.

Wife’s Bento, okay its just Omurice

0716 Family Dinner
Family Dinner

PikaDinner with dear

0716 Gauri Sendoff

0716 Lab mates
Before YOLO flies

0716 Department 4
Last foot into the office, with the Department:)

0816 Family Dinner 2
Family Dinner @ Boon Lay feat Super Smokey Stingrays

0816 Gordon 1
With Fatty Bom Bom<<<<<

0716 Haolin Sendoff
Farewell, Haolin