Our PreSEP Adventures: Barcelona Hola~ 🇪🇸

Montserrat View

Our last stretch in Spain is none other than the old capital Barcelona! In fact, Barcelona was our first thought of location when we started our planning!

Interior of Sagrada Familia

Famous lightings of the cathedral

Exterior of Sagrada Familia

This was all because of Sagrada Familia, because of how amazing the architecture is:) Indeed, it didnt disappoint! Sagrada Familia really wows us to the details! Every details are so on point! Even though there are 1001 tourists crowding the place, it did not stop us from taking cool photos and enjoying the piece of art:) A must go for people coming to BCN!

Magic Fountain with boy watching the lights

Tour Buses

Shoe Candy

Street View

Overall, Barcelona is really lively and even though there are many tourists around (3rd most visited country), it did not dilute their culture at all! You can see breakdancers busking on the streets, skateboarding everywhere, hanging out with their partners(i think there are some trannies) and a lot of them are sprouting tattoos! The people in this city are really fashionistas and they dress really well, and are mostly quite toned as well!

Beauty Street View

Camp Nou’s ‘jersey shore’

Montserrat Cable Car

Their street views are soooo vintage, the buildings are exactly like the ones drawn in looney tunes cartoon (tweety bird)! But their way of life is kinda chill, like you can see locals sitting outside bars as 3pm drinking away with their friends! On a contrary, their trains are super punctual, down to the seconds! Like seriously, but they cost like 1 euro(1.5 Sgd) per ride regardless of distance!

Cafe Lola Waitress

Catalan traditional dish: Spanish Sausage with Catalan Beans

My name is Nou!

Get Messi or get messy
Interacting with people is generally easy cause most of them pick up english as their second language. Definitely, it will bring yourself closer to them if you can pick up some Spanish or Catalan phrases (Hola, Gracias and Adíos are very common). One of the most impressionable interaction was with a waitress at Cafe Lola that came over and took our order. She was very nice and she recommended some tapas to us, explaining the history of some traditional dishes! However, she could not understand what we meant by “That is all for now, we will order again if we need to” until we explained and pointed to another menu. And she went like “Oh my gosh, I am terribly sorry. I learnt English for 7 years but I forget what they mean!” HAHAHA, cute max but it was really enjoyable to order from her:)

Hungarian Student and mum

Matchy outfits few (unintentional)

Other than the locals, we had opportunities to talk to many foreigners as well! There was a Hungarian girl who is doing her Masters in Denmark that we talked to. She recommended us to go to Cesky Krumlov in Czech, definitely something to Czech out😉 And we bumped into an Australian who married a SG wife and started a restaurant for 8 years in AMK, at the beach. I guess its really reassuring to hear from someone who is familiar with our red dot huh, makes us miss home hehe.

Top of the mountain

Point to the top

Top View


Stare at the peak

One with nature

And in Mont Serrat, we had our first hike together! Up and down it was about 4.5 hours and the view is once again crazily good! I have to admit that I have a phobia of heights and I get jittery easy when I look down from a height but this hike was so worth all the jitters and risks taken! And of course, we had some nice couple shots as well haha! Recommend once again for people coming to BCN!

Llao Llao Spain

Llao Llao Spain
Llao Llao Spain

Old Hospital at Gaudi Avenue

Bakery Mum

Spanish Couple retirement life

However, not all things went super well cause of minor hiccups here and there. The tapas restaurant everyone recommended was closed till 1st September and we only found out after taking the metro down and walking to the store itself. Luckily, we are flexible and we ended up settling at Burger King, and we even got a coupon that allowed us to buy 7.99 euro for 2 meals😍 Similarly, Sagrada Familia tickets to the inside was sold out and we didn’t buy online but we were physically there already. We immediately booked the earliest slot and made alternate plans to walk down Gaudi’s Avenue, discovering a nice bakery shop and an old couple walking two dogs:) Oh and if you ever have baggage you need to store, I would highly recommend LockersBarcelona for their services are really easy to use and the staffs are super helpful (They will refund you if you get the wrong size) Moral of these: always be prepared to make alternate plans and dont look back to regret. Keep loving forward and let the surprises drive your day well:)

Couple shots at Baceloneta

Mandatory view of the beach

Now Spain has come till an end but our adventures have not. Next time we come to Spain, it will definitely be better:) beginning to fall in love with it! For now, we will look forward to the romantic Italy and even more adventures to come:) dont worry, we will stay safe! Stay tuned!

Our PreSEP Adventures: Andalucia Summer 🇪🇸

Seville (Sevilla)

HOT HOT HOT, 39 deg Celsius is no joke, and ironically it is much cooler than a week before, according to the host😅 But any amount of sweat is worth it in exchange for an old town with such unique architectures. Sevilla was once a muslim town that was christianised 500 years ago. As such, their streets and building somewhat look like the ones from middle east, like we are in Dubai or something haha!

Breakfast with our favourite host, Medhy
We also would really have to thank our host Medhy for being so warm and welcoming! We do not have much concrete plans when we came over to Seville and we were quite uncertain of the culture and safety, until Medhy came and talk to us about it. A tour guide for occupation, Medhy really knows his stuffs and could help us plan out a detailed itinerary when he understands how long do we have! As such, we are able to capture the best of Sevilla(the palace, cathedral, panoramic sunset) within a day and at the same time still have time to rest and plan for our trip to Ronda. We would really love to thank Medhy for his help in making our trip so successful!

Other things that have occured during this trip and was meaningful includes asking a English backpacker(who turned out to be a teacher) for directions. Its really interesting to see a backpacker walking around with their trusty backpacks! There was also a Moroccan lady, who also turned out to be a teacher of French, whom we asked to help us take a photo!

The locals are really welcoming as well! There was this meal when the waitress joked with us in English:
Me: Is the water free?

Waitress: Yes, but the tip is not😂
And yes, their tipping culture is really strong!

These interactions with people around the world make the trip really lively and we have alot of things to learn from them:)

Ah, but Sevilla… I really miss the 2.90 and 3.50 euro tapas. They are so damn good and cheap😪 Not to make you drool (especially gluttons like Michelle), but its simply amazing how Spanish dishes can amalgamate sweet with saveur. Every taste just blended in so well together and form a unique form of its own (kinda reminded me of the Ratatouille lessons haha).

Oh and one more thing, if you have the chance, you should plan for a trip to go to see the Flamenco dances. There is a free one that starts at 9.30! We didint go cause we were too tired, but its a should go if yall want to experience the full culture of Andalusia:)

Sevilla Town, colours of the wind

Placa d’espanya, where Star Wars is filmed

Baguette Love

The Chinese Twist

Alcazar, Game of Thrones filming location!

Seville Cathedral, once a Muslim Mosque

Placa d’espanya: View from level 2

Sunset at the Parasol

Tapas Dinner:)

Tapas Dinner Mate

Parasol landscape, actually the photographer sucks haha



1 hour bus ride south of Seville, but yet the climate is cooler than Seville haha! To use one phrase to describe Ronda, I would choose picturesque. Every photo you can take looks like a postcard, and even help me to get some love on 500px hehe:P Ronda is a really good place to trek, hike and shop but remember to get a good pair of hiking shoes and overcome your fear of heights or you will end up not finishing the route like us(sorry!) Yet, the view is still magnificent and the 24 euro return bus ride is definitely worth it! Like what Medhy had advised us, you can actually stay there(should be quite affordable) and make a trip down to hike around Andalusia. Trust me when I say that we even enjoyed the bus ride to Ronda cause the view is so breathtaking. There are so many picture perfect points:))

El Tajo Gorge

Handsome staff making nougats

Favourite pic at the gorge

Pan-O-Rams of the gorge

Nougats Nougats

Ronda Street
Overall, Andalucia is not a widely visited place unlike Barcelona and it is definitely not what one will think of unless you are a die hard fairytale person who dreams of going to these places to relive those fairy tale dreams or someone who really enjoys photography. But I would highly reccomend this place to everyone who intend to visit South Europe or Morocco because its simply one of the regions that define what Spain is today in everybody’s perspective! Adíos~

Our PreSEP Adventures: London first stretch 🇬🇧

London is awesome. Sevilla is awesome. Ronda is awesome too. Basically, we are really enjoying our adventures now😁 Like what our friends have told us, every city/town has a unique flavor of their own and its simply eyeopening to be able to get a feel of how their lifestyles are like as well! Of course, this meant limxinnn and I have to have fast adapting skills hahaha!

So far, we have covered London, Seville and Ronda and for this post, lets just talk about the world busiest financial sector, London!


Their pace of life is pretty similar to Singapore but one thing that I got about their lifestyles is that they are quite independent. You would see more teens running around with backpacks going for road trips, rather than seeing family outings around. We are very lucky to have arranged to meet up with Michelle, xinyi’s old friend. Basically she is a year 3 student in LSE, and she knows the place in and out. Michelle helped us to settle in really fast and even brought us for 5 pounds lunch around the place. Shes really observant and helpful, always giving us travellers’ tips haha! We are really indebted to her:)

Otherwise, we did had a mini city tour walking around London and while helping tourists to take photos, we came across this family who could recognise us from being Singapore(and not Korea), based on the way we speak. This is so impressive cause it seems like Singaporeans do have a unique tongue after all:) the sense of identity!
But lets hold on more for london in the future cause we will be returning on 15 Sep:)
Here are some of the most zai pictures/videos we took of the city, we love our cameras!

SOHO @ London

Amerind Flower Ice Cream

Breakfast Bitch

The Cursed Child

Reaching for the skies@ Trafalgar Square

London Buses on strike, kidding. Just a row of them

Favourite couple shot @ Trafalgar Square

Streets of London

Capturing a Lapras?

Getting photobombed at the Palace

Waiting for the rail

The Farewell 🇸🇬

The day eventually came, and it was time to wave farewell to my friends and family. It was kind of sad to say my farewells to each of them and its worse watching them walk away:/ but nevertheless, I am really thankful to each of them that have came down to send us off amidst their busy schedules. This shows how much we mean to them😢😢

As i type this on the plane, I am feeling kind of excited that a mew journey is about to unfold! Cant wait for our xinsonEUnison trip:) stay tuned!

Time is running out 🇸🇬

Like really, I wont be seeing everyone till August next year? Trying to set my priorities straight now, do you know how heartaching is it to go around bidding farewell “See you next year!”, “Please take care of yourself!”, knowing that the separation is inevitable?:/ 

One year is really a long time. As the day draws near, the feeling of separation grows exponentially 😞

But I really appreciate people who have been really understanding to me: freeing up their schedules, dropping their case comp, making the additional detour just to spend more time with me. My heart has been really warm these days:) With some hinge of sadness hahaha! But love is all I choose to feel😁

Bon Voyage~ 🇸🇬

A week of goodbyes made me feel rather emotionally vulnerable. Somehow, 11 days no longer seem really far away. Cherishing all the moments that I can enjoy before the ultimate farewell in 1+ week time:/


Countdown to UK is <5 days and the feelings of leaving home is getting real! Its a mixture of nostalgia but excitement at the same time, so I won’t be able to tell you that I am dreading or wanting Sunday to come. However, one thing for sure is that I am really touched by people who are willing to set aside time to meet me. I am the kind who likes to max out my schedule of events (or rather, it always gets maxed out on its own) and still continue squeezing in more sessions of meet ups to connect with others hahaha.

These few days of packing and settling of administration, makes me feel like I really owe my parents a big thank you because they have always been consistently reminding me of all the things I need to do and helping me settle when they can as well. Yet on the other hand, I seemed to be prioritising the wrong stuffs like buying a camera hahaha! But no guilt about that cause its really something I wanted to get for a long long time, and I finally got the opportunity! Really, looking back at the past year or so, I am super thankful to my parents for always supporting me in pursuing my university studies:)

Also working quite a fair bit on the itinerary with Xinyi. Kind of enjoyed doing it with her and that we would get super excited over the smallest details of the trip. Even as we disagreed on some stuffs, we will eventually work out something together, and that itself is learning to us. However, I don’t really want others to interfere in our planning even though we are green in travelling. The reason is that the people who are ultimately travelling and spending are us and no one else. I don’t want to end up blaming others for plans that go wrong during the trip say due to delay and scams? I sincerely appreciate the kind gestures people put in to ensure our safety and all, but we are seriously adults and students. We have a lot of constraints but we know how to take care of ourselves. Yep, at the end of the day, I promise that we will be safe and sound.

Wife’s Bento, okay its just Omurice

0716 Family Dinner
Family Dinner

PikaDinner with dear

0716 Gauri Sendoff

0716 Lab mates
Before YOLO flies

0716 Department 4
Last foot into the office, with the Department:)

0816 Family Dinner 2
Family Dinner @ Boon Lay feat Super Smokey Stingrays

0816 Gordon 1
With Fatty Bom Bom<<<<<

0716 Haolin Sendoff
Farewell, Haolin

Why IKEA is so addictive? 🇸🇬

Poached Salmon, 2 Chicken Wings, 15Pcs Swedish Meatballs, Salmon Mayo Croissant and Almond Butterscotch Cream Cake
Living like a king
Who’s moose?
The Fault Under the Stars
IKEA Mandatory Couple Shot

Cause theres food, furnitures and female companion😁 gotta love the FLOG (Food LOG) that we attempted to create! Stay tuned for more in the future😉 Pardon our cheesy humors sometimes, still new at it!